Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Catching Up!

The weekends get crazy busy and I have neglected this blog over the past few days. Let's see...where to start?
So Friday is usually the night Mike and I go out to dinner. The kids usually have some other activity going on. I usually pick him up from work and we go somewhere. Our restaurant of choice was The Old Country Buffet (aka The Slophouse). We thought this would be a good choice because Mike loves it and it would also work for me because I could have a delicious salad and lots of protein choices to chose from. That worked! The one bad thing was dessert. Mike loves their chocolate cake, in fact he loves ALL chocolate cake. Usually I am not tempted by that but after a week of no sugar it looked especially yummy. Rather than give in to temptation I opted for the low sugar pudding. I don't think it was a low sugar as they were touting and after eating a small bowl full, I was feeling pretty guilty. I probably should not have partaken but I did..oh well.
Saturday is another hard day. It is my fun day out and about with the kids. We usually have lunch at some fast food restaurant and this Saturday was no exception. Jacob and I met Cat and Chris for lunch. I stuck to a diet of 2 double cheeseburgers with no bun. I was pleasantly surprised when they served it to me bowl with a slice of lettuce to wrap it in and a knife an fork. They even made each a triple....yummy.
Later that evening the Walsh and VanderHoeven families wanted to go somewhere to eat again. They are all doing the low-fat diet variety and we had a difficult time figuring out a place that would work for all of us. We settled upon McDonald's again and I once again had 2 more double cheeseburgers. I realize that is a lot of meat in one day and usually that is not my preference but it worked. It kept me full and I resisted any temptation to partake of any else.
Sunday was just a typical Sunday. I made meatballs for dinner and made myself some cauliflower to go along with it. Mike and the kids had corn and potatoes instead.
Monday was a hard day. Our family went to San Francisco for a day trip. It was long day out and about and I have to admit I ended up eating a pulled-pork sandwich for lunch and I did partake of the french fries that came along with it...DARN! The good news is I also probably walked several miles so hopefully everything will off-set.
Today I am back at work and planning on getting back on track!

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